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Back & Chest Sweating

Menopause, hyperhidrosis, and other conditions can cause severe back and chest sweating problems. These are real issues that affect millions of men and women worldwide on a daily basis. Hyperhidrosis alone affects four percent of the population, or twelve million people in the United States. It is a condition that causes excessive sweating on a daily basis. It can be quite uncomfortable and embarrassing, causing large pools of sweat to show through your garments.

Click Here for Back And Chest Sweating Solution!

The average person has 2.6 million sweat glands in his skin. The majority of these are on the back and chest, which can lead to terrible night sweats and excessive sweating during the day as well. To avoid these issues, we offer sweatproof undershirts and clinical antiperspirants at Kleinert's made for this express purpose.

Our undershirts are lightweight products that employ patented materials like Fabrapel cotton which prohibits the sweat from passing through into your outer clothing. Some of these shirts also contain sewn-in underarm shields for complete protection from underarm sweating. Stylish and thin, these undershirts can be worn without detection. They are stain-resistant and fluid-resistant, so they will wear well over time.

Whether you suffer from day or night back and chest sweating, these garments provide full coverage for both areas. They will work to keep your body cool and dry at all times. They come in short-sleeved designs as well as long sleeves. Available in black, white they are ideal for any outfit. To learn more, contact us today at

Kleinert's, Inc. Sales/Customer Service: 1-800-498-7051 
Fax: 1-305-937-0825 e mail:



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