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Excessive Perspiration

Kleinert's is your one-stop shop for anti-sweating merchandise and sweatproof apparel. We specialize in products made to provide excessive sweating protection for men and woman of all ages. We pride ourselves on offering only the best products available, and that's why we have patented many of our exclusive items.

Click Here for Excessive Perspiration Solution!

You won't find a selection like ours anywhere in stores or online retailers, so what are you waiting for? Order today! We've got virtually everything for sweat protection ie. Disposable underarm guards, sweatproof undershirts, clinical antiperspirants, bedding protectors, shoe inserts, and sleepwear to protect you against day and night sweats and "hot flash" perspiration.

For excessive perspiration in the underarm area, we offer disposable dress shields for everyday use. Sold in packs of 12, you can order as many packs as you need on a revolving basis. You just tell us how many you'd like per month, and we'll automatically send them to you.

We also sell Tape-On, Pin-In, and Sew-In Dress Shields that you can affix directly onto all your garments. Even if you wear fine fabrics like silk, our dress shields are ideal for any body type or garment. We offer them in varying colors, including black, white, and beige. In addition, they are machine washable and dry cleanable for your convenience. We also carry garment shields for long and short-sleeved clothing, and most come with or without shoulder pads. If you want to know more, contact us at your earliest convenience at

Kleinert's, Inc. Sales/Customer Service: 1-800-498-7051 
Fax: 1-305-937-0825 e mail:



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